Saturday, January 1, 2011

365 Days of Wonder

This blog is simply a motivation for me. As a resolution for 2011 I wanted to make more time for writing. So this is how I am going to do it. Each day during 2011 I am going to write whatever comes to heart. I am so excited to get to do this because I LOVE to see happens when I sit and listen to what is going on inside of me! Happy New Year. May it be one to grow, learn and love!
(I am doing this sincerely for myself, don't mean to sound too selfish but it's true. I make no's just great for myself)

Look Forward

A cool, awakening breeze silently whispers as it dances on swiftly. I hear the echo's of the past years memories tip-toeing through my now reminiscent thoughts.
Hopes were conjured, desires created, moments that will forever be locked in my grateful heart. Each a glorious gift for savoring through the tomorrows.

Childrens laughter certainly heard. Their innocence, love and devotion carry steady in my heart.

Deep familiar eyes pierce my soul. Together through this patchwork of life we've created, he is constant. My pep talk, my faithful shoulder, my reliant grin and my sturdy hand to hold.

Facing forward now I find a satisfying thrill in the wonder of tomorrow. What memories will be created? The joys that are ours to behold. Look forward to the tomorrows.

My little bundle of yesterday, today and tomorrow!

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